Our Story…

  2020 - The year of unforeseen changes.  Overnight the world went virtual, fears rose, and the norms that kids were used to vanished overnight.  Kids began to suffer, missing the in-person connections with friends, peers, teachers and others.  Students who once had additional educational support started to regress quickly.

After hearing from a friend, the severity of a backslide her child was enduring, I knew God was calling me back to education, continuing a 20 year career that I had put on hold.  Kids needed a connection and face to face support. 

 I opened my driveway up and began meeting with kids in May of 2020 and giving them support with my dyslexia background, and realizing that those kids left my driveway less anxious, less fearful and more confident than when they came.

 My driveway soon filled up and summer camps in 2020 were a huge hit, so we found a space in downtown McKinney to open our doors to The Kid Connection.  Once we were settled, God introduced me to the University model school and I finally realized that that was the perfect blend for a child – the best of public school, the best of private school and the best of homeschool. 

 In January of 2022, with a leap of faith and trusting families, we opened The Kid Connection University and we have seen kids grow in ways no test could ever measure. Parents describe TKCU as a program that incorporates everything they hoped for in educating their children: a school that is centered around Jesus, a school that gives a family who is reluctant to homeschool the confidence and balance to work as a team and still maintain important time together.  I hear them talk about the community that is built, the confidence that is grown, and the partnership that is developed between teacher and parent. Now, one year later, I am amazed at God’s goodness and the growth we've witnessed.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
— Hebrews 11:1